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Ref Type Journal Article
PMID (36279567)
Authors Tsukamoto S, Sugi NH, Nishibata K, Nakazawa Y, Ito D, Fukushima S, Nakagawa T, Ichikawa K, Kato Y, Kakiuchi D, Goto A, Itoh-Yagi M, Aota T, Inoue S, Yamane Y, Murai N, Azuma H, Nagao S, Sasai K, Akagi T, Imai T, Matsui J, Matsushima T
Title ER-001259851-000, a novel selective inhibitor of AXL, overcomes resistance to antimitotic drugs.
Abstract Text Innate and adaptive resistance to cancer therapies, such as chemotherapies, molecularly targeted therapies, and immune-modulating therapies, is a major issue in clinical practice. Subpopulations of tumor cells expressing the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL become enriched after treatment with anti-mitotic drugs, causing tumor relapse. Elevated AXL expression is closely associated with drug resistance in clinical samples, suggesting that AXL plays a pivotal role in drug resistance. Although several molecules with AXL inhibitory activity have been developed, none have sufficient activity and selectivity to be clinically effective when administered in combination with a cancer therapy. Here, we report a novel small molecule, ER-001259851-000, which is a potent and highly selective AXL inhibitor. To investigate resistance mechanisms and identify driving molecules, we conducted a comprehensive gene expression analysis of chemo-resistant tumor cells in mouse xenograft models of genetically engineered human lung cancer and human triple-negative breast cancer. Consistent with the effect of AXL knockdown, co-treatment of ER-001259851-000 and antimitotic drugs produced an anti-tumor effect and prolonged relapse-free survival in the mouse xenograft model of human triple-negative breast cancer. Importantly, when orally administered to BALB/c mice, this compound did not induce retinal toxicity, a known side effect of chronic MER inhibition. Together, these data strongly suggest that AXL is a therapeutic target for overcoming drug resistance and that ER-001259851-000 is a promising candidate therapeutic agent for use against AXL-expressing anti-mitotic-resistant tumors.


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Molecular Profile Treatment Approach
Gene Name Source Synonyms Protein Domains Gene Description Gene Role
Therapy Name Drugs Efficacy Evidence Clinical Trials
ER-851 ER-851 1 0
Drug Name Trade Name Synonyms Drug Classes Drug Description
ER-851 ER-001259851-000|ER851|ER 851 AXL Inhibitor 30 ER-851 selectively inhibits AXL, potentially leading to decreased cell viability and reduced of tumor growth (PMID: 36279567).
Gene Variant Impact Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance
Molecular Profile Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Therapy Name Approval Status Evidence Type Efficacy Evidence References
AXL positive Advanced Solid Tumor sensitive ER-851 Preclinical - Cell culture Actionable In a preclinical study, ER-851 decreased viability of transformed cells expressing AXL in culture, and inhibited tumor growth in a cell line xenograft model (PMID: 36279567). 36279567