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Ref Type Journal Article
PMID (38518529)
Authors Passarelli A, Carbone V, Pignata S, Mazzeo R, Lorusso D, Scambia G, Canova S, Di Palma T, Tasca G, Mantiero M, Naglieri E, Andreetta C, Rauso M, Brunetti AE, Laera L, Abeni C, Scandurra G, Gambaro AR, Pastore A, Bengala C, Gunnellini M, Farolfi A, Spinello M, Bartoletti M
Title Alpelisib for PIK3CA-mutated advanced gynecological cancers: First clues of clinical activity.
Abstract Text Recurrent gynecological tumors (e.g., endometrial, and ovarian cancers) are incurable diseases; therefore, new treatment options are urgently needed. The PTEN-AKT-PI3K pathway is frequently altered in these tumors, representing a potential treatment target. Alpelisib is an α-specific PI3K inhibitor approved in PIK3CA-mutated advanced breast cancer. We report outcomes from a large series of patients with PIK3CA-mutated gynecological cancers prospectively treated with alpelisib within a controlled program.From April 2021 to December 2022, 36 patients with PIK3CA-mutated advanced gynecological cancers received alpelisib 300 mg orally once daily. Objective response (ORR) and disease control (DCR) rates provided measure of the antitumor activity of alpelisib, the primary objective of the study.Included patients had endometrial (17/36 [47%]), ovarian (10/36 [28%]), or other gynecological cancers (9/36 [25%]). Most patients had received 2-3 prior systemic treatments (endometrial, 47·2%; ovarian, 60%; other, 56%), and presented with visceral metastases at baseline (82%, 70%, and 56%, respectively). Overall, 17 different PIK3CA mutations were found, including 53% in the kinase domain (most commonly H1047R) and 36% in the helical domain (most commonly E545K). Overall, the ORR was 28% and DCR was 61%, with the greatest benefit observed in patients with endometrial cancer (35% and 71%, respectively).Alpelisib represents an active treatment option in patients with recurrent gynecological cancers harboring a PIK3CA mutation. These findings support the need of biomarker-driven randomized trials of PI3K inhibitors in gynecological cancers.


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Molecular Profile Treatment Approach
Gene Name Source Synonyms Protein Domains Gene Description Gene Role
Therapy Name Drugs Efficacy Evidence Clinical Trials
Drug Name Trade Name Synonyms Drug Classes Drug Description
Gene Variant Impact Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance
Molecular Profile Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Therapy Name Approval Status Evidence Type Efficacy Evidence References
PIK3CA H1047R endometrial cancer predicted - sensitive Alpelisib Case Reports/Case Series Actionable In a clinical study, Piqray (alpelisib) treatment was well tolerated and demonstrated activity in patients with advanced gynecologic cancer harboring activating mutations in PIK3CA and resulted in an overall response rate (ORR) of 28% (10/36), with an ORR of 35% (6/17, all partial responses) in endometrial cancer patients, including disease control in 7 of 9 patients harboring PIK3CA H1047R (PMID: 38518529; NCT04085653). 38518529
PIK3CA act mut endometrial cancer predicted - sensitive Alpelisib Clinical Study Actionable In a clinical study, Piqray (alpelisib) treatment was well tolerated and demonstrated activity in patients with advanced gynecologic cancer harboring activating mutations in PIK3CA and resulted in an overall response rate (ORR) of 28% (10/36), with an ORR of 35% (6/17, all partial responses), disease control rate of 71% (12/17), median duration of response of 13 mo, and median progression-free survival of 7.8 mo in endometrial cancer patients (PMID: 38518529; NCT04085653). 38518529
PIK3CA act mut female reproductive organ cancer predicted - sensitive Alpelisib Clinical Study Actionable In a clinical study, Piqray (alpelisib) treatment was well tolerated and demonstrated activity in patients with advanced gynecologic cancers harboring activating mutations in PIK3CA, resulting in an overall response rate of 28% (10/36, all partial responses), a disease control rate of 61% (22/36), including stable disease in 12 patients, a median duration of response of 13 months, and a median progression-free survival of 6.3 months (PMID: 38518529; NCT04085653). 38518529