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Name carcinoma
Definition A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells.
Source DiseaseOntology.org
Alt Ids DOID:6570 DOID:2428
Path disease disease of cellular proliferation cancer cell type cancer carcinoma


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Molecular Profile Therapy Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Profile Response Detail
Clinical Trial Phase Therapies Title Recruitment Status Covered Countries Other Countries
NCT00720785 Phase I Bortezomib Natural Killer Cells and Bortezomib to Treat Cancer Completed USA 0
NCT01148849 Phase I Margetuximab-cmkb Safety Study of MGAH22 in HER2-positive Carcinomas Completed USA 1
NCT01427322 Phase I Lapatinib Randomized RT +/- Lapatinib for Advanced Solid Tumor Cancer Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Metastatic Disease Terminated USA 0
NCT02259114 Phase I Birabresib A Phase IB Trial With OTX015, a Small Molecule Inhibitor of the Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal (BET) Proteins, in Patients With Selected Advanced Solid Tumors Completed 0
NCT02454972 Phase II Lurbinectedin Clinical Trial of Lurbinectedin (PM01183) in Selected Advanced Solid Tumors Completed USA | ITA | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | BEL 2
NCT02637531 Phase I Pembrolizumab Eganelisib A Dose-Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of IPI-549 Unknown status USA 0
NCT02648490 Phase I Acetaminophen + Dexamethasone + Diphenhydramine + Ondansetron HLX07 An Open-label, Phase 1 Study to Determine the Maximum Tolerated Dose of HLX07,in Patients With Advanced Solid Cancers Completed USA 1
NCT02721732 Phase II Pembrolizumab Study for the Evaluation of Efficacy of Pembrolizumab (MK-3475) in Patients With Rare Tumors Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02879162 Phase II Durvalumab + Tremelimumab Durvalumab and Tremelimumab in Patients With Advanced Rare Tumours Unknown status CAN 0
NCT03094169 Phase I AVID100 AVID100 in Advanced Epithelial Carcinomas Terminated USA 0
NCT03391973 Phase II Pembrolizumab Pembrolizumab in Patients With Poor-Prognosis Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site (CUP) (CUP) Active, not recruiting CAN 0
NCT03396471 Phase II Pembrolizumab Study of Pembrolizumab and Concurrent Radiation in Patients With Previously Treated Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Terminated USA 0
NCT03436563 Phase Ib/II Bintrafusp alfa M7824 in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer or With Advanced Solid Tumors With Microsatellite Instability Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03570619 Phase II Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Immunotherapy in Patients With Metastatic Cancers and CDK12 Mutations (IMPACT) Completed USA 0
NCT03852511 Phase I NG-350A First in Human Study of NG-350A (an Oncolytic Adenoviral Vector Which Expresses an Anti-CD40 Antibody) (FORTITUDE) Completed USA 0
NCT04052971 Phase Ib/II ABN401 To Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Antitumor Activity of ABN401 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Harboring c-MET Dysregulation Recruiting AUS 1
NCT04053283 Phase I NG-641 First in Human Study With NG-641, an Oncolytic Transgene Expressing Adenoviral Vector Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04131621 Phase II Nivolumab Ipilimumab Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Nivolumab/Ipilimumab in Second Line CUP-syndrome (CheCUP) Unknown status DEU 0
NCT04147819 Phase I BAY2701439 A First in Human Study of BAY2701439 to Look at Safety, How the Body Absorbs, Distributes and Excretes the Drug, and How Well the Drug Works in Participants With Advanced Cancer Expressing the HER2 Protein Completed USA | GBR 0
NCT04441099 Phase Ib/II NBE-002 NBE-002 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Terminated USA 0
NCT04478279 Phase Ib/II ST-101 A Phase 1-2 Study of ST101 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Active, not recruiting USA | GBR 0
NCT04520711 Phase I CDX-1140 + Pembrolizumab + TSA/TAA-specific TCR engineered T cells Study of Adoptively Transferred, Gene-engineered T Cells With CD40 Activation and PD-1 Blockade in Incurable Cancers Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04648826 Phase Ib/II Azacitidine + Bintrafusp alfa Aerosolized Azacytidine as Epigenetic Priming for Bintrafusp Alfa-Mediated Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Patients With Unresectable Pulmonary Metastases From Sarcomas, Germ Cell Tumors, or Epithelial Malignancies Withdrawn USA 0
NCT05043714 Phase I NG-641 + Nivolumab Study of NG-641 in Combination With Nivolumab in Metastatic or Advanced Epithelial Tumours (NEBULA) Active, not recruiting USA | GBR 0
NCT05094804 Phase Ib/II Nivolumab + OR2805 OR2805 + Pembrolizumab OR2805 A Study of OR2805, a Monoclonal Antibody Targeting CD163, Alone and in Combination With a PD-1 Inhibitor Recruiting USA 0
NCT05165433 Phase I NG-350A + Pembrolizumab Study of NG-350A Plus Pembrolizumab in Metastatic or Advanced Epithelial Tumours (FORTIFY) (FORTIFY) Active, not recruiting USA | GBR 0
NCT05239143 Phase I P-MUC1C-ALLO1 CAR-T cells + Rimiducid P-MUC1C-ALLO1 Allogeneic CAR-T Cells in the Treatment of Subjects With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors Recruiting USA 0
NCT05349890 Phase I CDX-1140 + Pembrolizumab + TSA/TAA-specific TCR engineered T cells Personalized TCR-T: Study of Adoptively Transferred T-cell Receptor Gene-engineered T Cells (TCR-T) Enrolling by invitation USA 0
NCT05639972 Phase Ib/II Cyclophosphamide + Fludarabine Aldesleukin + E7 TCR T-cells E7 T-cell Receptor (TCR) -T Cell Induction Therapy for Locoregionally Advanced HPV-associated Cancers Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT05976828 Phase I IBRX-042 IBRX-042 In Subjects With HPV-Associated Tumors Recruiting USA 0
NCT06090266 Phase Ib/II Cemiplimab + OR502 A Study of OR502, a Monoclonal Antibody Targeting LILRB2, Alone and in Combination With Anticancer Agents Recruiting USA 0
NCT06092580 Phase I AWT020 Phase 1 Study of AWT020 in Advanced Cancer Recruiting AUS 0
NCT06152523 Phase II MEDI5752 + Monalizumab Monalizumab and MEDI5752 in Patients With MSI and/or dMMR Metastatic Cancer (MONAMI) Not yet recruiting FRA 0
NCT06290388 Phase Ib/II 23ME-01473 Study of 23ME-01473 in Patients With Advanced Solid Malignancies Recruiting USA 0
NCT06576037 Phase I CBP-1019 + Enzalutamide CBP-1019 + Pembrolizumab Bevacizumab + CBP-1019 + Fluorouracil + Leucovorin + Oxaliplatin CBP-1019 + Fluorouracil + Leucovorin + Oxaliplatin Phase Ib Study of CBP-1019 in Combination With FOLFOX +/- Bevacizumab, Pembrolizumab, or Enzalutamide for Metastatic TRPV6-overexpressing Solid Tumors of Epithelial Origin Not yet recruiting USA 0